Wildlife watching
The Welsh coast and offshore islands are famed...
Get involved with Citizen Science
We love how the coastline changes all the time.
It can look stunning in the early morning light and then cloudy and overcast by lunchtime. The views from the path can change from day to day and from spring, summer, autumn and winter. Our coastline is changing all the time but we don't always notice it.
We want to capture those changing moments from the path - come rain or shine. We also want to watch the Welsh coastline and see how climate change is impacting our beaches.
We're a part of a global citizen science initiative called Coast Snap. It's where the community help with research into the effects of climate change on beaches. We're not alone, countries like Australia, France, Netherlands are a part of Coast Snap too. We’re working with the Wales Coastal Monitoring Centre to help us understand the effects of climate change on the Welsh coastline.
Look out for the CoastSnap phone cradles when on your next walk on the path. They are at certain places along the path with phone cradles fixed to posts and railings.
They all overlook areas of the coastline and you can get to these fixed points when you’re on the path. You'll need a phone with a camera and have access to Wifi or mobile data.When you see one of our Coast Snap phone cradles, place your phone in the cradle and take a snapshot of the view. You can then share it to the Wales Coastal Monitoring Centre website, using wifi or mobile data at any time.
You can do this any time of the year whenever you're on the path.
You can find the cradles in many places along the path including:
Visit the Wales Coastal Monitoring Centre website for a full list of locations
The photos will contain lots of valuable scientific data. This will help in the research into effects of climate change at the chosen places.We look forward to receiving your contribution to the CoastSnap project on the path.